East Baton Rouge Parish covers 450 square miles encompassing rural, suburban, and urban community settings. The school system is the largest school district in the state. There are eighteen High Schools (Grades 9-12) of which ten offer Junior ROTC as an elective course. Louisiana map of parishes.
Junior ROTC parish enrollment is approximately 1500 cadets. Army Certified JROTC Instructors, a Director of Army Instruction (DAI), a Operations Non-Commissioned Officer (OPNS NCO) and a Military Property Specialist (MPS) are employed by the U. S. Army and school system to teach and administer the program. Instructor professional growth is attained through attendance at a 5 day JROTC Instructor Residential Course, Distance Learning Courses, and JROTC Conference/Workshops. JROTC enjoys excellent support from both the East Baton Rouge School System and Baton Rouge community.
The objectives of the JROTC program are to develop leadership, self-reliance, responsiveness to authority, physical fitness, and attributes related to good citizenship and patriotism.
Each JROTC unit has its own appointed cadet officers and non-commissioned officers to provide student leadership roles and give a military structure to all activities. Cadets learn to work together for the common good while developing self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.

JROTC Instructor

JROTC Instructor